Monday, May 25, 2009

On Sunday, May 24th, Irja (mom), Ron (dad), Jim, and myself (me), did our first installment of de-greasing the space. Although the landlord had done an excellent job (I hear it was a greasy place before), there is still work to be done to make it 'vegan'!

Mom scrubbed the sinks, dad swept the floors, Jim swept and did some renovation planning, and I tackled the 10 burner. There was plenty of gross food stuffs coated in old grease under the burners. Three hours and I'm not quite done yet. We had Strawberry Chammomile Iced Tea and organic coffee to keep us going.

We did lots of brainstorming, and the most exciting idea was from my mother- to put potted herbs all along the window sills! There is a nice space around the building, where we will put some tables along the inlet too. They will be our tables, but might be take-out only. This is in case it is not allowed in the insurance/codes, they would be 'employee break tables' and customers just happen to sit there with their take out. I don't want to have to put up fencing, blocking the view of the inlet, and do not know the codes. I will be looking into those shortly.

Painting will happen shortly, and the laying of the floor! Plus more cleaning!

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